The Google SGE Now Incorporates Photos and Review Date in AI Snapshots

The Google SGE Now Incorporates Photos and Review Date in AI Snapshots

Just weeks ago, Google introduced its new Search Generative Experience, SGE, that creates AI-generated snapshots. Just weeks after the release, SGE has gotten a significant upgrade to include information from reviews, photos, and business profiles to enhance the data and value of its snapshots.

A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words

We all process information slightly differently, and when seeking information about a specific place or destination, you might not understand the explanation or description provided by the owner. However, you can draw your own conclusions when you see an image of the space in a restaurant or the size of a meal portion in a photo. Not everyone has the same definition of “ample space” or “a massive plate of food”, but with the latest info in the SGE snapshot, you can see your answer rather than someone else’s opinion of the space or item in question.

Real World Experience Helps

You cannot take a picture of some vital features in a restaurant or other venues. Fast service or poor service typically cannot be related via an image. No one is going to include long wait times in the description of their own business, but when you get information from other consumers’ reviews, you get a more accurate view of the subject of your question.

Using the New SGE to Grow Your Business

Knowing that potential customers can now see images of your business from your business profile, it is essential to make the most of these tools. Think of these images as your first impression on the customer. And we all know how critical it is to make a great first impression. So be sure to:

  • Provide high-quality images
  • Make the images meaningful – include all the perks or benefits of your business, such as spacious seating areas, attractive food, or access for those using mobility devices
  • Show your storefront or location so customers can find you easily

It is also vital to encourage more customer reviews to provide as much information as possible for potential customers. Mention the review process to customers and thank them in advance for taking the time to provide feedback about your business. Most people are willing to help via a review and feel more obligated after being thanked in advance for their input.

Why Focus on Your Google Business Listing?

The most recent numbers show that over 8.5 billion Google searches are processed daily, or almost 100,000 every second. Your Google Business Profile will likely reach more potential customers than any other marketing program you could deploy. And once you have it created, minimal updating and additions on your part will keep this tool driving customers to your front door. Even better, Google is constantly investing in improvements to SGE and other tools to increase the benefit of AI snapshots for your business and customers.


To learn more about making the most of Google Business Profiles and AI snapshots to grow your business, contact Digital1Group.