Digital 1 Acts Preemptively to Address Major SEO Tool Change


Digital 1 Acts Preemptively to Address Major SEO Tool Change

Since introducing the RankBrain algorithm, Google has improved its ability to predict relevant search results by 10%. This algorithm considers factors like patterns, location, and user interactions to deliver more personalized results for each user. As a result, the team at Digital 1 observed that the increased individualization of SERPs has significantly diminished the accuracy of keyword software. In response, we promptly adjusted our strategy following this algorithm update; therefore, we are unaffected by the major SEO tool no longer being effective.

The Power Of Google

It is not often that a company’s name becomes synonymous with an action or item. However, when you mention Google, most people think of the word as a verb because it is commonly used for an online search. If you have a question, you Google it. This is a widely accepted term for the action and demonstrates this tech company’s massive reach. Google is a huge part of how most of the planet gets answers to questions and learns about something the moment the question arises. In essence, Google has replaced dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference material as the one-stop solution to the answers you want and need immediately.

What Happens When Google Makes A Change?

The entire world is quickly made aware of significant changes made by Google because there are global outages impacting many rank tracking tools. The step Google took was to reduce the function of web scrapers that gathered search results. This had a crippling impact on many who were not prepared to upgrade their SEO practices as D1 has done. And it leaves many worried about what will become of their services if Google’s SERPs are blocked entirely. The short answer is that they will not function. While this crackdown should not have come as a shock because Google always prohibited automated rank checking in search results, they are now enforcing the long-standing rule.

What Does All This Mean For Your Business Or Website?

First, it is critical to understand that there are ways to work around this new limitation and provide exceptional SEO services for your site or business, which is precisely what the team of experts at D1 has already done. Our clients face no issues from this latest update by Google, and we are happy to continue providing the highest level of service to all our SEO clients. Nothing will change in our services other than behind the scenes updates that comply with the newly enforced Google requirements.

In the case of other firms that were not proactive in making these updates, they will need to get to work to upgrade their services to clients. Many are already discussing the time and money it will cost to make these changes and how those expenses will need to be passed along to the customers. You might be looking at increased rates from your SEO expert once they reach a resolution for the challenge facing many firms. However, if you choose to work with the exceptional talent at D1, this new policy, or the enforcement of an existing policy, is nothing to raise concern. Our customers are not facing any issues, nor will they receive any future communication regarding rate increases caused by this change in Google’s strategy.

Please feel free to contact the team at D1 to learn more about our quality SEO solutions and the highest level of professionalism and customer service in the tech industry.