Top SEO Action Items for 2025

Top SEO Action Items for 2025

With the new year quickly approaching, it is time to evaluate your client’s websites and SEO function to ensure success in 2025 and a strong foundation for many years. At Digital 1, our team focuses on providing proactive services to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of our customers, who rely more and more on the services and resources provided to their clients via their website. Currently, we are assessing these areas of our client’s sites:

What Is The Policy Regarding LLM Bots?

ChatGPT and other large language models or LLMs have been in existence for two plus years and businesses need to have clear policies in place to oversee and regulate their use. It is no longer about whether these features will come into play but how they will be used and managed. Currently, ChatGPT represents less than 4% of Google’s more than 80 billion hits, but that is still over 3 billion visits. So, getting a handle on these policies now is crucial.

Details Matter

Details that code and properly define pages are vital to ranking pages and sites. With the popularity of the JavaScript framework, creators need to invest the added time to ensure all tables, headings, and links are formatted appropriately. While these steps take more time and effort, the results are worth it, and your clients will appreciate the increased ranking even though they do not understand the actual tasks you undertook to make their site more productive and successful.

Clean Up The Past To Start Fresh In 2025

It is time to invest your effort in cleaning up the rough edges from the hurried past to ensure Google does not dismiss the site because of these mini-issues that have not earned the attention of your staff. The web is now an overwhelmingly large entity that does not “need” old or challenging pages and content to be considered complete. So, site creators and managers need to do some housekeeping to ensure they are not regarded as obsolete.

Clean house to eliminate:

  • Old disabled plugins that are not deleted
  • Duplicate og: tags, titles, descriptions, or any other meta tag
  • Duplicate mobile and desktop navigation
  • Duplicate tags in Tag Manager, Segment, and so on
  • Image sizes
  • Deprecated JavaScript
  • HTML or CSS compliance issues
  • Accessibility issues
  • Old pages or post drafts that should be deleted

Less Is Now So Much More

Invest the time to consolidate pages and lighten the site’s load. If the site has similar pages, blogs, or content created in various years, consolidate them into one page. This simple process will provide added ease for site users, eliminate confusion caused by multiple pages with similar information, and streamline the site’s flow and indexing.

Get Back To Basics

Getting back to the basics of technical SEO will improve the site’s quality and functionality. Check the features and tools offered to users to ensure they get what they are looking for from the site, such as internal links that function and take them to the right page; all pages follow the appropriate structure and flow consistently. This is also the time to investigate or manage site security and updates, as well as implement 301 redirects and 404s.

If clients wanted a cookie-cutter site, they would have used a service or platform to build and launch it themselves. As the year comes to an end, it is time to renew your focus on why your clients have entrusted their website, their 24/7 presence on the web, to you and your firm. In most cases, the answers will be your expertise, skill, and attention to detail, which won their business initially and should continue to earn their loyalty, as is the philosophy at Digital 1. We are the team of experts who focus on harnessing the reach of the web to foster the success and growth of your business.